
Le Pôle Grenoble Cognition s'est associé à la démarche mise en place par le Réseau national des sciences cognitives-RISC, en proposant à toute personne intéressée (voir conditions ci-dessous) de s'inscrire comme volontaire pour passer des expériences et ainsi aider les chercheurs à faire avancer leur recherche.

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Le 24 septembre 2015 à 13h30, le GIPSA-Lab accueille Blaise Yvert (INSERM, Clinatec, Grenoble) pour un séminaire intitulé « Neurotechnology for research and clinical rehabilitation ». Ce séminaire aura lieu en salle B314 du Département Parole et Cognition.



Large-scale neural interfacing is a key challenge both for fundamental neuroscience to decipher CNS functions in more details, as well as for clinical purposes to design new routes for rehabilitation using neural prosthesis or brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). In this context, in collaboration with material scientists, electrochemists, micro-nano-technology engineers, and electronicians, we have been developing high-density microelectrode array systems for real-time neural interfacing and using these systems to study the dynamics of developing neural networks and to design neural prosthesis. I will first focus on the mechanisms of extracellular electrical neural microstimulation and a new electrode configuration that we have designed to increase the spatial accuracy of neural microstimulation and that is currently adapted for the design of retinal prosthesis. Second, I will insist on the importance of the electrode material when considering dense arrays of small-size microelectrodes, and show how in such case the noise level and stimulation capabilities of a device can be improved using novel nanoporous metal or carbon-based (diamond) electrode materials. Then, I will present real-time microelectrode array systems based on integrated electronics that were developed to study the dynamics of the hindbrain and spinal cord, and how such real-time systems open on future rehabilitation routes based on hybrid connections between live and artificial neural networks. Finally, I will expose our ongoing projects aiming on one side at developing novel brain implants allowing stable long term chronic neural recordings in vivo, and on the other side at using such chronic microelectrode-array-based implants to develop a brain-computer interface for speech rehabilitation.

Lieu :

Salle B314

Bâtiment ENSE3

11 rue des mathématiques, Domaine universitaire

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