
Le Pôle Grenoble Cognition s'est associé à la démarche mise en place par le Réseau national des sciences cognitives-RISC, en proposant à toute personne intéressée (voir conditions ci-dessous) de s'inscrire comme volontaire pour passer des expériences et ainsi aider les chercheurs à faire avancer leur recherche.

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Séminaire de Luciano FADIGA, co-découvreurs des célèbres « neurones miroir », organisé par GIPSA-lab

Jeudi 15 mars,GIPSA-Lab, département Parole et Cognition, salle B 314 (3e étage)

The most acknowledged models of brain language localization still stress an antero-posterior segregation between perceptive and productive functions. In the last decade, this classical dichotomy has been strongly weakened by empirical evidence suggesting a more integrated view. A growing body of studies have indeed assigned more and more relevance to frontal areas, classically considered as the motor areas for speech production, also for speech/language processing. Moreover, among these frontal areas, another distinction is emerging between pre-central areas and inferior frontal gyrus. While the former seem functionally involved in representing the phonologic characteristics of the vocal stream (by combining speech units into words), the latter deals more with meaningful words and is probably involved in their combination into syntactically organized sentences. This frontal involvement in language/speech processing founds its basis in bidirectional sensorimotor circuits linking temporo-parietal cortices with the frontal lobe. Here, I suggest the hypothesis that this functional connectivity has evolved from more basic sensorimotor circuits already present in lower primates and devoted to action representation.


Plus d’info sur le site : http://www.gipsa-lab.inpg.fr/index.php?id=596

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