
Le Pôle Grenoble Cognition s'est associé à la démarche mise en place par le Réseau national des sciences cognitives-RISC, en proposant à toute personne intéressée (voir conditions ci-dessous) de s'inscrire comme volontaire pour passer des expériences et ainsi aider les chercheurs à faire avancer leur recherche.

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Vous trouverez sur cette page les offres de recrutement (stages ou postes) proposées par les équipes membres du Pôle Grenoble Cognition. Certaines offres peuvent être proposées par des structures qui ne sont pas localisées à Grenoble.

Le 12 novembre 2015, Le GIPSA-lab accueille Joanne Cleland (University of Strathclyde, Scotland), pour un séminaire intitulé « Using Ultrasound Visual Biofeedback to Teach Children New ». Ce séminaire aura lieu à 13h30 en sale B314 du GIPSA-lab.

Ultrasound Tongue Imaging (UTI) is gaining popularity as a visual biofeedback tool that is cost-effective and non-invasive. Current literature (e.g. Cleland et al., 2015; Preston et al., 2014) suggests that visualising the tongue moving in real-time provides speakers with a “knowledge of performance” which enables them to learn new articulations and stabilise motor plans. This in turn leads to remediation of previously persistent speech sound disorders.
This talk will explore Ultrasound Visual biofeedback (U-VBF) from two angles. Firstly, we will consider the effectiveness of ultrasound for treating persistent velar fronting in four children. We will show that when these children first acquire velars they are poorly co-articulated and/or abnormally articulated (for example, realised as uvular stops). The implications for the underlying cause of persistent velar fronting as a motor speech disorder, rather than a phonological disorder, will be explored.
Secondly, we will report on a study comparing the ability of typical children to learn new articulations with and without VBF. In a pseudo mini randomized control trial, we sought to emulate closely the therapeutic context by teaching 30 children non-(Scottish) English speech sounds [u,ɯ,y,c,ʂ,b͡g] in isolation and in [aCa] or [dV]. Auditory-based analyses showed little different between children learning with and without ultrasound, but children show evidence of movement towards the target in ultrasound analysis.


Lieu :

GIPSA-lab, DPC salle B314

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