
Le Pôle Grenoble Cognition s'est associé à la démarche mise en place par le Réseau national des sciences cognitives-RISC, en proposant à toute personne intéressée (voir conditions ci-dessous) de s'inscrire comme volontaire pour passer des expériences et ainsi aider les chercheurs à faire avancer leur recherche.

Vous êtes chercheur ou doctorant et vous avez besoin de sujets pour vos expériences en Sciences cognitives.

Vous trouverez sur cette page les offres de recrutement (stages ou postes) proposées par les équipes membres du Pôle Grenoble Cognition. Certaines offres peuvent être proposées par des structures qui ne sont pas localisées à Grenoble.

Ce symposium, organisé à l'occasion de la soutenance de HDR de Marco Congedo, se déroulera à Gipsa-lab (salle Mont-Blanc) de 14h30 à 17h30. La participation à cet évènement est libre.



Programme :

14h30 : Marco Congedo, GIPSA-lab, Grenoble
Welcome and Presentation of Speakers

14h45 : Gert Pfurtscheller, Université de Technologies, Graz, Austria
Slow oscillations (~0.1 Hz) in EEG, hemodynamic (BOLD, HbO2) and cardiovascular signals
Living systems are characterized by a great variety of physiological rhythms. One class are slow oscillations around 0.1 Hz in human arterial blood pressure (BP) known as Mayer or M-waves (Mayer 1876). Such Mayer waves have been reported in heart rate (HR), (de)oxyhemoglobin (Hb, HbO2), BOLD signals and full-band EEG. The baroreflex loop with its strong preference for oscillations around 0.1 Hz, which can be seen as a resonance frequency or “eigenfrequency” of the loop, is thought to be responsible for the generation of the Mayer waves. Additionally, central oscillators may also play a role in the generation of ~ 0.1-Hz oscillations (pacemaker theory). Preliminary results indicate that a state of equilibrium can exist between 0.1-Hz oscillations in BP, HR, Hb, HbO2 and EEG not only during stimulus-paced movements in 10-s intervals but also in the resting state. It can be speculated therefore, that the excitability of the motor cortex fluctuates with a period of ~ 10 s and play a role for the initiation of unpaced voluntary (at free will) motor imagery.

15h15 : Discussion

15h30 : Juri Kropotov, Académie des Sciences, St. Pétersbourg, Russia
Functional neuromarkers in psychiatry and neurology: clinical applications for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment
The lecture presents 10 years of my experience of applying ERPs in clinical practice. The experience include studies on: 1) test-retest reliability of ERP independent components; 2) ERP neuromarkers of ADHD, autism, OCD, schizophrenia, TBI and depression; 3) ERP indexes of neuropsychological domains such as energization, monitoring and task switching, 4) predicting effects and side-effects of Ritalin in ADHD population; 5) creating neurofeedback protocols on the basis of ERP assessment; 6) creating tDCS protocols on the basis of ERP assessment (clinical results in autistic and stroke patients are demonstrated); 7) monitoring the effects of treatments by ERPs.

16h : Discussion

16h15 : Dirk De Ridder, Université de Otago, Nouvelle Zélande
The Bayesian brain and EEG FFT spectra: a conceptual framework
Brains are complex adaptive systems adjusting their structure and function to the environment, in order to reduce the inherent uncertainty in the world. From a Bayesian point of view predictions are made based on what is stored in memory and updated by active sampling of sensory information in the environment. Thus the brain’s prior belief is based on statistical regularities in the environment. The environment is noisy, characterized by a 1/f structure, which is mimicked by the brain’s electrical activity. Its spectral components can conceptually be linked to steps involving its Bayesian function. Thus it is proposed that theta involves adaptive memory, and nested on it is beta, essential for predictions, and gamma as a manifestation of change, or prediction error. The updating is performed by active attention-driven sampling of the environment requiring alpha activity. This framework explains many of the spectral components found in the tinnitus brain.

16h45 : Discussion

17h : General Discussion

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